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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Top Ten Smartest Animals in the World

1. Common Chimpanzee - These animals can be found in the tropical forests and wet savannas of Western and Central Africa. Chimpanzee’s learn, perform organizational thinking tasks, and have a better memory then any other animal. They have been known to defeat college educated people in memory exams.

2. Bottlenose Dolphins - The cetacean family, consisting of dolphins and whales are considered the smartest animals inhabiting the ocean. The Bottlenose Dolphin lives in warm waters throughout the world and is the smartest species of dolphin.

3. Rhesus Macaque Monkey
- Besides humans, the macaque genus is the most widespread in the world. The Rhesus Monkey is well known for its intelligence and because of this has been used extensively in biological and medical research.

4. Elephants
- There are three living species of elephants, the African Bush Elephant, African Forest Elephant, and the Asian Elephant. All breeds are thought to inherit the same genetic genius. In many cultures elephants are seen as a symbol of wisdom and are known for their incredible memories.

5. African Grey Parrot - The African Grey is a species of parrot that is found in the West and Central African rainforest. Parrots have long been able to show that they can mimic human speech, but the African Grey can associate words with their meaning and form small sentences.

6. North Pacific Giant Octopus - This creature lives in the depths of the ocean. They belong to the cephalopod family and the mollusk class. All species of cephalopods are known to have incredible intellectual ability. The octopus is considered the smartest invertebrate alive.

7. The Border Collie
- The Border Collie is widely considered the smartest dog breed in the world. They usually spend their time sheep herding and handling many forms of livestock, but also make a great pet. With physical exercise and various forms of mental stimulation these dogs are the quickest to learn.

8. Ravens & Crows
- Crows top the avian IQ scale, which is a scientific test to determine bird intelligence. They can count, distinguish complex shapes, and perform observational learning tasks. Crows are extremely social creatures and will engage in mid-air jousting to establish pecking order.

9. Rats - There are hundreds of rat species throughout the world. Rats are one of the most studied and tested animals on the planet. They have been research and test subjects for numerous famous and influential physiological studies.

10. Portia Labiata Jumping Spider - This species is a member of the Portia genus of spiders and is definitely the smallest creature on the list. Also known as the White-Mustached Portia, they inhabit wastelands and secondary forests in Africa, Asia, and Australia.



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